The back story of Jarvis.

How did it start?

Jarvis started life as a private bot (Soul Master) for Reapers Corner to help where needed, it was then taken into a friends server "The Superheros" to do the same, after some nerdy influence the bot was renamed and Jarvis was born.

A short time after this Jarvis was allowed into a few more servers of friends of Reaper, and the decision to make Jarvis a public bot was made a few weeks later.

No Payment wall?

NO PAYMENT WALL..... At all :)

There was a floated idea to monetise Jarvis... but Jarvis isn't meant to be yet another bot that has premium features for those with money, no, it was meant for everyone on any income scale. So Jarvis will remain free with all its features available for all, you just need to enable them where required.

How do you make up costs?

We purely rely on you the user to donate if you want too, donations make up 100% of our income and are just to make it possible to advance Jarvis and to maintain the systems Jarvis runs on.

What now?

Scary for other bots, we plan on making Jarvis bigger and better, more advanced and powerful.

Jarvis in time will become the everything bot for all servers, Jarvis is learning constantly and more functions are being created each week. making way for a bot that can do everything you need from one place, just like it should be.